2019—至今 | 博士后,中科院深圳先进技术研究院,合作导师:陈劲松 |
2019—present | Postdoc, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mentor: Chen Jinsong |
2016—2016 | 实习研究生,美国西南研究所,合作导师:Stuart Stothoff |
2016—2016 | Graduate Student Research Experience, Southwest Research Institute, U.S. Mentor: Stuart Stothoff |
教育经历 EDUCATION (时间倒序)
2014—2019 | 美国德州农工大学-科珀斯克里斯蒂分校,博士 |
2014—2019 | Ph.D., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, U.S. |
2011—2013 | 中国海洋大学,硕士 |
2011—2013 | M.S., Ocean University of China, Master |
2006—2010 | 湖南农业大学,学士 |
2006—2010 | B.E., Hunan Agricultural University |
2021—2024 | 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目,区域联合基金-青年基金项目,多源信息融合技术下的粤港澳大湾区海域酸化及其时空分布特征研究,在研,主持; |
2020—2021 | 中国博士后科学基金,传统监测与卫星遥感相结合的粤港澳大湾区海域二氧化碳通量研究,在研,主持 |
2018—2019 | Gulf Research Program of the National Academy of Sciences(美国),Ocean and Coastal Acidification Monitoring at Aransas Ship Channel,已结题,参加 |
2017—2019 | National Science Foundation(美国),RAPID,Capturing the Signature ofHurricane Harvey on Texas Coastal Lagoons,已结题,参加 |
2017—2022 | National Science Foundation(美国),CAREER,The Impact of Hydrologic State on CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries,在研,参加 |
2015—2019 | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(美国), The Hydrological Switch: A Novel Mechanism Explains Eutrophication and Acidification of Estuaries,已结题,参加 |
2014—2015 | TAMUCC Texas Research Development Fund(美国),Alkalinity Decline andAcidification in Dewatering Estuaries,已结题,参加 |
Yao Hongming et al. Decadal acidification in a highly urbanized coastal area of Southern China. (In prep)
Yao Hongming, P.A. Montagna, M.S. Wetz, C.J. Staryk, X. Hu, 2020. Carbon Budgets in Northwestern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Estuaries. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. (In revision)
Yao Hongming, Melissa R. McCutcheon, Cory J. Staryk, Hu Xinping, 2020. Hydrologic control on CO2 chemistry and flux in subtropical lagoonal estuaries of northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Limnology and Oceanography, 65(6), 1380-1398 doi: 10.1002/lno.11394.
Yao, Hongming, and Xinping Hu, 2017. Responses of carbonate system and CO2 flux to extended drought and intense flooding in a semiarid subtropical estuary. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(S1), S112-S130.
X. Hu, H. Yao, C.J. Staryk, M.R Mccutcheon, M.S. Wetz, L. Walker. 2020. Disparate responses of carbonate system in two adjacent subtropical estuaries to the influence of Hurricane Harvey – A case study. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7(26).
Hu, Xinping, Marissa F. Nuttall, Hongjie Wang, Hongming Yao, Cory J. Staryk, Melissa R. McCutcheon, Ryan J. Eckert et al. “Seasonal variability of carbonate chemistry and decadal changes in waters of a marine sanctuary in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico.” Marine Chemistry, 205 (2018): 16-28.
王纯杰, 白洁, 赵阳国,董晓,钟丽华,姚泓名. 不同碳氮比对辽河口湿地总氮去除的影响[J]. 海洋湖沼通报, 2012(2):157-165.
审稿人reviewer | 《Limnology and Oceanography》、《Continental Shelf Research》 |
会员membership | Restore America’s Estuaries (RAE), 2017—present |
Gulf Estuarine Research Society (GERS), 2017—present | |
Corpus Christi Geological Society (CCGS), 2015—2019 | |
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO),2017—2019 | |
Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation (CERF),2017—2019 |
3MT论文演讲比赛第二名, TAMUCC | 2019 |
CC市地理协会奖学金 (Corpus Christi Geological Society Scholarship) | 2018 |
学生奖学金资助, 美国湖沼与海洋协会(ASLO) 夏季会议 | 2018 |
19th Annual GIS Day of Coastal Bend会议演讲第三名 | 2017 |
专业网络课程设计认证, TAMUCC | 2017 |
网络课程设计培训认证, TAMUCC | 2017 |
最佳学徒认证, Southwest Research Institute | 2016 |
RCN-CE3SAR研究生资助,NSF | 2016 |