孙鹭怡 SUN Luyi



Aug 2018 – PRESENT Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Assistant research fellow

2017.4-2020.7中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 博士后

Apr 2017 – Jul 2020 Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoc


2012.9 – 2017.2 伦敦大学学院,空间与气候物理,博士

Sept 2012 – Feb 2017 University College London, Space and Climate Physics, PhD

2009.9-2012.1 北京理工大学,信息与通信工程,硕士

Sept 2009 – Jan 2012 Beijing Institute of Technology, Information and communication engineering, Master

2005.9-2009.6 北京理工大学,信息工程,学士

Sept 2005 – Jun 2009 Beijing Institute of Technology, Information Engineering, Bachelor



Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Foundation Research (Key Project) 2020, Grant No. JCYJ20200109115637548, Earth observation scattering mechanism and applications in urban monitoring of new generation SAR, Nov 2020 – Nov 2023, ¥2 million, Ongoing Project, Team Member.


National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Science Fund, Grant No. 41801360,Along-track measurements of city ground deformation based on TOPS mode SAR imagery,Jan 2019 – Dec 2021, ¥252,000, Ongoing Project, Primary Investigator.


Chinese Academy of Sciences, Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA19030300, One Belt One Road Ecological Environment Monitoring and Assessment, Jan 2018 – Dec 2022, ¥32 million, Ongoing Project, Team Member.


Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Key Research and Development Program of

China, Grant No. 2017YFB0504203, Monitoring system of land resources and ecological environment safety, Jul 2017 – Jun 2021, ¥7.2 million, Ongoing Project, Team Member.

欧洲空间局-中华人民共和国科学技术部,中欧科技合作“龙计划”四期项目,ID32244, 针对地质灾害监控和风险评估的对地观测,2016-07至2020-07,公益项目,已结题,参加。

European Space Agency (ESA) – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China DRAGON-4 Project #32244: Earth Observations for Geohazard Monitoring and Risk Assessment, Jun 2016 – Jun 2020, Completed Project, Team Member.

德国宇航局,TanDEM-X卫星COSSC免费数据计划,NTI_INSA7050,高分辨率CoSSC 数字高程模型的生成及其在中国三峡库区地表形变监测中的适用性评估,2015-12至2016-12,公益项目,已结题,参加。

German Aerospace Centre (DLR), TanDEM-X COSSC Data Proposal #NTI_INSA7050: Generation of high resolution CoSSC DEM and its fitness for purpose for use in deformation mapping in the Three Gorges Region of China, Dec 2015 – Dec 2016, Completed Project, Team Member.

德国宇航局,TerraSAR-X 卫星新模式免费数据计划,GEO2630,采用TerraSAR-X 凝视聚束式数据基于合成孔径雷达差分干涉和亚像素偏移量跟踪技术的地表形变监测 ——中国三峡库区典型案例研究,2014-08至2016-08,公益项目,已结题,参加。

German Aerospace Centre (DLR), TerraSAR-X New Modes Proposal #GEO2630: Monitoring ground deformation using TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight data with dInSAR and sub-Pixel Offset Tracking (sPOT) for case studies in the Three Gorges Region of China, Aug 2014 – Aug 2016, Completed Project, Team Member.

德国宇航局,TanDEM-X 卫星Intermediate DEM 免费数据计划,IDEM_CALVAL0207,基于5米分辨率的英国数字地面模型(DTM)的TanDEM-X i-DEM数据验证及其在地面沉降监测案例研究中的性能评估,2014-05至2016-05,公益项目,已结题,参加。

German Aerospace Centre (DLR), TanDEM-X Intermediate DEM Proposal #IDEM_CALVAL0207: Validation of the TanDEM-X i-DEM data over the United Kingdom using a reference 5m DTM and its assessment in mapping ground deformation for several case studies over UK sites, May 2014 – May 2016, Completed Project, Team Member.


European Space Agency (ESA) – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China DRAGON-3 Project #10665: Monitoring ground surface displacement in China, Case studies of landslides in the Three Gorges area and Pubugou Reservoir area, Crust tectonic movement in Tibet, Subsidence in South China. Jun 2012 – Jun 2016, Completed Project, Team Member.


Sun, L.; Chen, J.*; Guo, S.; Deng, X.; Han, Y. Integration of Time Series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Crop Type Mapping over Oasis Agricultural Areas. Remote Sensing 2020, 12, 158.

Sun, L.; Muller, J.-P.*; Chen, J.* Time Series Analysis of Very Slow Landslides in the Three Gorges Region through Small Baseline SAR Offset Tracking. Remote Sensing 2017, 9, 1314.

Sun, L.*; Muller, J.-P. Evaluation of the Use of Sub-Pixel Offset Tracking Techniques to Monitor Landslides in Densely Vegetated Steeply Sloped Areas. Remote sensing 2016, 8, 659.

胡程*; 孙鹭怡; 曾涛; 周超 一种精确的前向散射雷达三维目标跟踪方法. 北京理工大学学报 2012, 32, 942–948.

Deng, X.; Guo, S.; Sun, L.; Chen, J.* Identification of Short-Rotation Eucalyptus Plantation at Large Scale Using Multi-Satellite Imageries and Cloud Computing Platform. Remote Sensing 2020, 12.

Sun, L.; Chen, J.; Han, Y. Joint Use of Time Series Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Cotton Field Mapping in Heterogeneous Cultivated Areas of Xinjiang, China. In Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics (Agro-Geoinformatics); Istanbul, Turkey, July 16 2019; pp. 1–4.

Sun, L.; Muller, J.-P.; Singleton, A.; Li, Z.; Liu, D.; Riedel, B.; Niemeier, W.; Liang, C.; Zeng, Q.; Jiao, J.; et al. Monitoring Ground Surface Displacements in the Three Gorges Area, Crustal Tectonic Movement in Tibet and Subsidence in South China. In Proceedings of the Dragon 3 Mid Term Results; Chengdu, China, 2014; Vol. 724.

Sun, L.; Hu, C.; Ding, Z. Analysis of the Impact of Measured UWB RCS on High-Resolution Imaging in Bistatic SAR. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of 2011 IEEE CIE International Conference on Radar, RADAR 2011; Chengdu, China, 2011; Vol. 2.


UCL Dean’s Prize (2012-2016)

China Scholarship Council Scholarship (2012-2016)
